Ad Navseam
The Ad Navseam podcast, where Classical gourmands everywhere can finally get their fill. Join hosts Dr. David Noe and Dr. Jeff Winkle for a lively discussion of Greco-Roman civilization stretching from the Minoans and Mycenaeans, through the Renaissance, and right down to the present.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
In this episode we welcome Dr. Ed Watts into the vomitorium. A highly respected historian of Rome from UCSD, Ed talks with Jeff and Dave about his fascinating 2018 book Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny. Come along for the sights, the sounds, and yes, even some of the smells of ancient Rome as Ed explains – to Dave's chagrin – his antipathy toward Cicero as a person and stylist, but deep respect for the man for his "profound" political insights. Individuals are mortal, but a republic doesn't have to be. Ed leads us through a careful explanation of the breakdown of Roman society in the final years, and the personal and economic forces that led to tyranny. Be sure to stay tuned to the end where Dr. Watts gives his sobering take on political violence on the American scene. And check out our social media to win 1 of 3 signed copies of Ed's book we're giving away, thanks to Basic Books.
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Dave and Jeff katabisate back into Hades where we watch a parade of mythic women, but no marching bands or fun-size Snickers in this parade, just more murder, mourning, and malevolence. Tune in for Epicaste, Antiope, Alcmene, and many more unpronounceable ladies. Then it’s more blasts from the passed: Agamemnon shows up with a story of the worst “welcome home” present ever while planting some doubts in Odysseus’ mind. Achilles himself drifts forward giving Odysseus a taste of what awaits him. Ajax Telamon gives our hero the silent treatment and refuses to “hug it out.” And even Sisyphus, the original rock-n-roller, has a cameo, eternally doomed but still managing to drop some 19th century economic theory on all y’all.
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Come along as we follow Odysseus on his ultimate journey—a trip to the LAND OF THE DEAD (cue screeching violins or maybe even Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”). WATCH as our hero cowers from the ghosts of epics past as they swarm like moths to the blood filled pit! WONDER what Elpenor is doing here when he was just eating nachos on Circe’s veranda a second ago! LISTEN to Tiresias’ weird prophecy and Dave’s master class on wheat/chaff separation! WEEP when Odysseus encounters his mother Anticleia’s shade and attempts in vain to embrace her! SEARCH the pantry for some Huggable Portions™ (new from Nabisco!) to stave off that 2nd half of the podcast hunger! Or just tune in—this is good stuff.
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
This week Jeff and Dave welcome author, teacher, musician, farm guru, and mini-Aristotle Susan Wise Bauer via Zoom from her home in Virginia. Jeff and Dave enjoy a lively back-and-forth with Susan on her many talents and accomplishments. Tune in as Dr. Bauer discusses her experience being homeschooled, her love of Hebrew and history, and her best-selling books that serve as guides to anyone who wants a “Classical education”. Along the way we discuss what different people mean by the term “classical”, the rigours of writing a “universal history”, as well as Susan’s latest interest—Hippocrates and history through the lens of medicine and disease. And if you’ve been unsure about when to do your “lambing”, listen to the end for the shear joy.
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Ad Navseam Episode 27: “HOLY MOLY!” — Homer’s Odyssey, part 5 (Book 10)
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
After giving the Cyclops everything short of his credit card information, Odysseus and the boys are in for more bumps and bruises. First it’s a visit with Aeolus, god of the winds, who bags up all the blustery blasts, but instead of telling his crew our hero decides it’s “nap time”. Then it's on to the Laestrygonians for more cannibalism and general rock-chucking. At last they wash up on the island of Aeaea (no vowel-buying necessary) where Circe decides that while men are pigs the Hermes-helped Odysseus can stick around for a bit. Have these men learned anything? How many crew remain? Is Odysseus even telling the truth or is he a kind of ancient Keyser Söze?
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
This week Dave and Jeff find themselves trapped with Odysseus and his men in the cave of the dreaded chatterbox Cyclops. Here they're confronted not only with the question “How do we get out of here?”, but also “Is the Cyclops really that bad of a guy?”, “How do the Greeks define civilization?”, “What’s the true hierarchy in the Vomitorium?”, and even, “Can you base a whole society on cheese?” Brace yourself for non-stop, root-crackling, sheep-strapping, lamb-cramming, epic-simileing, cheese-filching action, and, as always, best to save your hubristic braggadocio for well after your ship has cleared the harbor.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Ad Navseam Episode 25: Schmidt-en with the Classics
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
This week we welcome our first in-studio guest (and it’s a big one)—Newberry Award winning young adult author (and Calvin University English Professor) Dr. Gary D. Schmidt. Tune in for a wide-ranging discussion about the influence of the Classics on Gary's life and writing, including his love for Odysseus, his loathing of Achilles, and a sneak peek at his next novel, based on the labours of Heracles. Along the way watch out for those liminal spaces, whether they are middle school or entrances to the Underworld, and wait…is that the Piano Man himself, Billy Joel? Listen to the end to hear Dave and Jeff riff their way through some viewer mail.
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
In this week's episode Zeus sends Hermes to demand that the fair-tressed Calypso release weeping Odysseus (still with us?) after seven years of island imprisonment. No amount of organic oat hair milk can cheer her, the added shine, volume, and bounce notwithstanding. We look at books 5-8, with Odysseus and Nausicaa having a go at jarts, while Demodocus (Homer himself in disguise?) plucks out the hottest hits of the Mycenaean Era. Odysseus weeps (again!) and drops some layered metanarratives, but not before the white goddess offers him a magic, life-saving pair of trousers in the middle of a shipwreck. And stay-tuned for a new, *stellar* sponsor.
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Ad Navseam Episode 23: Down on the Pharmaka—Homer’s Odyssey, Part 2
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
This week Dave and Jeff clamber aboard a trireme and follow Telemachus as he leaves Ithaca (for the first time?) and heads to the Peloponnese in search of news of his missing father. After leaving Nestor (and escaping his grumpy old man, “back in my day” monologues) it’s on to Sparta to visit Menelaus and Helen. Here things are so tense that Helen has to mix some sort of magic sedative into the Mountain Dew. Stick around for Menelaus and Helen’s strikingly different versions of the Trojan Horse story, and possible answers to the questions “Could the Trojan War have been avoided if they had just had better coffee?” and “Who cares what Jeff wore on his first day of high school?”
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Ad Navseam Episode 22: When will Dad be Home? - Homer's Odyssey, Part 1
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
In this first of countless (?) episodes on the Odyssey, Jeff and Dave wash ashore on the opening books, Castaway style. Here we find Odysseus’ wife and son, Penelope and Telemachus, besieged in their home on Ithaca by greedy, gluttonous, mindless suitors, and with no idea when Odysseus is ever coming home. As with the Iliad, we consider the first word of the poem — ἄνδρα (andra, man) — and investigate how this might be a guidestone for understanding the epic’s deeper themes. Other key questions: will Telemachus rise to the occasion? How do the meanings of names (glint-eyed Athena) give us insight into character? And what’s Lazy Steve doing in this neck of the woods? Don’t miss the concluding yogurt.